Non-Hispanic Black populations face the highest risk of death from chronic kidney disease (CKD)–associated cardiac arrest, a ...
Minorities, classified as those of any race other than non-Hispanic, single-race whites, currently constitute about a third of the U.S. population, according to Census figures. But by 2042 ...
Like the country’s overall population, many U.S. religious groups have experienced a decline in the share of adults who identify as White, according to the 2023-24 Religious Landscape Study (RLS).
Hispanics, especially Mexican-Americans, have lower HDL-C, higher triglyceride levels and similar lipoprotein(a) (Lp[a]) compared with non-Hispanic Whites. South Asians, including persons of ...
In Philadelphia in 2023, lenders denied Black, non-Hispanic and Hispanic mortgage applicants who were well-qualified for mortgages more often than they denied white, non-Hispanic applicants who ...
One in every six people in the U.S. is Hispanic/Latino and as a group they live longer than non-Hispanic whites (81.4 years vs. 78.8 years). Yet, despite their strong representation and relative ...
His successful bid relied on winning margins among young and non-White voters, college graduates, independents and those concerned with racial inequality and containing the coronavirus pandemic.