A close relative of the deadly Nipah and Hendra viruses ... in the U.S. state of Alabama. The pathogen, which scientists have named Camp Hill virus, was detected in four northern short-tailed ...
Nipah virus can also cause seizures ... Scientists captured four northern short-tailed shrews (Blarina brevicauda) in Alabama as part of a study on mammal aging. They analyzed tissue samples ...
Nipah virus, which can spread between humans ... According to Wahl, the populations most at risk are “those who frequently come into contact with wild animals, especially in areas of Alabama where ...
[Nipah virus] has caused disease outbreaks across ... any reported cases in humans yet while research continues. So far, Alabama is the only place it's been discovered, although short-tailed ...
The new 'Camp Hill virus' has been found in tissue samples from shrews in Alabama, USA It belongs to the same deadly family as the Nipah and Hendra viruses, which are both known for their high ...
As Kerala braces for the upcoming bat breeding season, the State’s Health Department has ramped up a high alert in five districts identified as potential hotspots for the Nipah virus ...
Researchers in the US have started a clinical trial of a vaccine against Nipah virus, a serious infection caught from animals that has a fatality rate of between 40% and 70%, developed by mRNA ...
With the bat breeding season approaching, Kerala has ramped up its preventive measures against the Nipah virus (NiV), a deadly zoonotic pathogen that has previously caused multiple outbreaks in ...