Like many early neocons, Kristol was a Marxist who became disillusioned with both the anti-democratic nature of Joseph Stalin's Soviet Union and the unanticipated consequences of liberal social ...
The president’s foreign policy agenda remains unpredictable, but his war on liberal culture has deep roots. “Once They Were Neocons. Now Trump’s Foreign Policy Picks Are All ‘America First ...
Part one can be read here and part two here. All of the fulminating about the Jews, about war lust, about neocons running everything would be forgivable, even tolerable, if it were intellectually ...
The first neocons soon embraced the name. To them the prefix highlighted the fact that while they had once been leftists, they now had a new orientation. Irving Kristol, the godfather of the ...
Even the laughable Max Boot admitted this much at the very moment when he was denying the existence of “neocons” in his forgettable What the Heck is a ‘Neocon’?: First, many of the leading ...
Pete Buttigieg Decides to Spend More Time with His Family Don’t Forget the Democrats’ Government Shutdown Catastrophism The Tables Turn on Michael Mann Progressives’ Paranoid Punditry: The ...
It made sense in a way. The neocons had always been peripatetics, having migrated away from the left during the 1960s, and with Tea Partiers like Rand Paul questioning the Bush administration ...
Numerous neoconservative figures have come out of the woodwork to slam President Donald Trump’s efforts to put an end to the war in Ukraine. Foreign policy hawks such as Republican Mississippi ...
President Bush's cabinet included Donald Rumsfeld, who brought with him a coterie of advisors known as “neoconservatives,” and moderates such as General Colin Powell and Condoleeza Rice.
The Daily Wire’s Ben Shapiro torched Tucker Carlson on Monday over the latter’s “bizarre and twisted” attacks on “neocons,” while also knocking the far-right commentator for “doing a ...