This video takes us from the univariate ACE model to a multivariate ACE model: from ACE to MACE. We begin with a review of the univariate ACE model, and then extend this to two phenotypes as a ...
This video introduces a theory-driven multivariate behavior genetics model: the independent pathway model. The independent pathway model, also called the biometric factor model, first creates ...
3 Produce visualisations of multivariate data using principal components analysis (PCA) and non-metric multi-dimensional scaling (MDS) using statistical software. 4 Perform analyses to relate two sets ...
Emphasis will be placed on achieving a conceptual understanding of the methods in order to implement and interpret the outcomes of multivariate analyses. The fourth number of the course code shows the ...
TSD 20: Multivariate meta-analysis of summary data for combining treatment effects on correlated outcomes and evaluating surrogate endpoints (PDF, 1.2MB) – October 2019 – Updated December 2022: ...
Neill, Daniel B., Edward McFowland III, and Huanian Zheng. "Fast Subset Scan for Multivariate Spatial Biosurveillance." Emerging Health Threats Journal 4, Suppl. 1 ...
For patients undergoing elective surgery, intraoperative use of remifentanil and sufentanil is independently associated with a poorer postoperative pain experience.