Objective To assess whether initial non-operative treatment of anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) ruptures with optional delayed ACL reconstruction leads to more meniscal procedures ...
Objective Synthesise evidence for effectiveness of rehabilitation interventions following ACL and/or meniscal tear on symptomatic, functional, clinical, psychosocial, quality of life and reinjury ...
Arthroscopic surgery is a minimally invasive procedure used to repair meniscal injury using one or more small incisions, a fiber-optic scope, and narrow operating tools. Arthroscopic knee surgery ...
Current evidence supports nonsurgical management of knee injuries as a viable option for certain younger patients with meniscal or anterior cruciate ligament tears, according to authors of a new ...
At the forefront of this progress is RejuvaKnee™, a revolutionary meniscus implant device that facilitates the regeneration of the native meniscal tissue as an alternative to traditional ...