Figuring out if a married man has fallen for his lover can be an emotional rollercoaster, but there are signs that can clue ...
Men tend to be happier with life when they're married, as many studies have identified over the last few decades. But new ...
A wedding ring might come with an unexpected and disproportionate side effect for men: weight gain. Scientists at the National Institute of Cardiology in Warsaw, Poland, have found that married men ...
Is it out of regret? Discover the reasons why a married and unfaithful man might choose to stop seeing his lover for good and end the betrayal once and for all.
A man prioritizing his partner, including making time, showing genuine interest, and supporting their needs, strongly ...
Experts found the risks of being overweight increase for both sexes when married, but appear to be particularly acute for men. The research will be presented at the European Congress on Obesity in ...
Being married triples the risk of men becoming obese, research suggests. The chance of piling on the pounds increased for both sexes after marriage, however. Women's risk of being overweight was ...