Proposed amendments to Scotland's housing bill will mean landlords have to fix issues within strict timescales.
According to Sydney landlord Sam Shennan, lazy and even dodgy property managers are just something many Aussies with ...
While a number of retailers have gone out of business, this latest one will hurt more than most of the others.
Goodlord CEO explains how unintended effect of renting reforms will be to distort the market as landlords and tenants grapple ...
The Scottish National Party intends to introduce amendments to its Housing (Scotland) Bill that will give social housing tenants better security over their living conditions ...
The number of companies holding buy-to-let property in the UK has passed 400,000, according to analysis of Companies House ...
CHICAGO — A Chicago landlord has been ordered to pay more than $80,000 for threatening to call immigration agents on a couple ...
Senator Ron Dover's new bill, if passed, may restrict the city's control over rent regulations, empowering landlords to set ...
Househunters are being offered $500 grocery vouchers or a free week's rent by Auckland landlords keen to lure them in.
Bournemouth MP says rental market is ‘broken’ and Renters’ Rights Bill will fix it by rooting out rogue landlords despite ...