Proposed amendments to Scotland's housing bill will mean landlords have to fix issues within strict timescales.
According to Sydney landlord Sam Shennan, lazy and even dodgy property managers are just something many Aussies with ...
And single-family rental growth lags behind multifamily for the first time since June 2024.
The word is out in the investment world that Indiana is very landlord friendly with few protections for tenants.
Senator Ron Dover's new bill, if passed, may restrict the city's control over rent regulations, empowering landlords to set ...
An Illinois circuit court judge has ordered Chicago landlords to pay former tenants $80,000 after they threatened to report ...
Assembly Bill 223 seeks to give tenants power to hold landlords accountable for failing to provide livable conditions such as ...
The influential Real Estate Board of New York is opposed to harsher penalties to enforce the law. “Local Law 97 already ...
Plus, Salesforce Tower lands massive CMBS loan, the city cracks down on negligent real estate debtors and more Chicago real ...