The displacement caused by the recent Los Angeles–area fires has renewed attention on price gouging in rental housing. Some ...
They have given three months' notice to see if anyone wants to take on the tenancy. After three months if no one is interested the pub will ...
Senator Ron Dover's new bill, if passed, may restrict the city's control over rent regulations, empowering landlords to set ...
Mortgage firms and the taxman will be taking a keen interest in the new landlord database and the transparency it will facilitate, says leading lawyer.
Majority of UK parents happy to allow their adult children to live with them. £107 per week the average Parent Landlord rent, ...
UK landlords remain confident in the buy-to-let (BTL) market, with many planning to expand their portfolios in 2025, but economic and regulatory uncertainties ...
Tenants whose landlords are breaking this rule could be entitled to thousands of pounds in compensation or special protection ...
MALAYSIA: One of the most common disputes between landlords and tenants revolves around deposit deductions at the end of a ...