Kennel Fire Kills 1 Dog and Causes $150,000 in damages ...
段落A 在宠物市场中,"双血统"的概念常被商家用来吸引消费者,尤其是金毛犬爱好者。许多商家声称其金毛为双血统,暗示其血统更为纯正、品质更优。然而,这一说法真的有那么可信吗?本文将为您揭开双血统的真相,帮助您理性看待这一概念。
A surveillance camera captured the sound of dogs barking, helping authorities determine when Angela Prichard's estranged husband arrived at the location to wait for her.
State law enforcement authorities arrested two Georgetown County men allegedly tied to an illegal dogfighting operation.
Lorain County officials once again are brainstorming about how to alleviate the overcrowding of dogs at the Lorain County Dog ...
Liz Standley, a volunteer at Dallas Animal Services, was distributing treats to shelter dogs the other day when she made eye ...