在一项突破性的临床前研究中,来自威尔康奈尔医学院、纪念斯隆-凯特琳癌症中心和加州大学圣地亚哥分校的科学家们发现,癌症患者体内的血凝块(也称为血栓)形成并非像过去认为的那样源于其他器官,而是对来自肺部的信号作出的反应。这一发现颠覆了传统观念,揭示了血栓 ...
Antitumor activity observed with confirmed partial responses in 50% of patientsat highest dose tested to date, across ...
The detailed sequence of events following ECM binding to the integrin is not known, but the β-subunit cytoplasmic domain interacts directly with talin, and talin interacts with both vinculin and ...
A vivid new image is taking shape in the world of cell biology: Imagine bacteria adhering to the surface of a cell, perhaps ...
But it's precisely what occurs inside our bodies." Xuefeng Wang, associate professor, University of Cincinnati's Hoxworth Blood Center One key player in this process is integrin, a protein found on ...
A vivid new image is taking shape in the world of cell biology: Imagine bacteria adhering to the surface of a cell, perhaps ...
Xuefeng Wang, associate professor, University of Cincinnati's Hoxworth Blood Center One key player in this process is integrin, a protein found on the surface of cells that facilitates adhesion ...
Integrins are recognized as vital players in leukocyte recruitment. Integrin malfunction causes severe disease patterns characterized by the inability to fight pathogens. Although inflammatory ...
The novel anthraquinone compound Kanglexin prevents endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition in atherosclerosis by activating FGFR1 and suppressing integrin β1/TGFβ signaling. Frontiers of Medicine ...
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More information: Yixiu Zhao et al, The novel anthraquinone compound Kanglexin prevents endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition in atherosclerosis by activating FGFR1 and suppressing integrin β1 ...