The oldest in Western Europe, this fractured skull has introduced a series of new questions about early humanity.
Learn more about Homo affinis erectus, Western Europe’s oldest human ancestor.
Researchers also found additional relics like stone tools made from flint and quartz, as well as animal bones displaying cut ...
Professor Lee Berger, the project's leader and Director of the Centre for Exploration of the Deep Human Journey at Wits ...
Fragments of a partial skull unearthed in a cave in northern Spain have revealed a previously unknown population of ancient ...
The Spanish team says the latest remains are more primitive than Homo antecessor but bear a resemblance to Homo erectus.
Paranthropus robustus fossils from Swartkrans Cave reveal new insights into their diet, social structure, and survival 2 ...
The prehistoric facial bones were found buried in 50 feet of mud and silt, and are believed to be 1.1 to 1.4 million years ...
Bone fragments from a cave in northern Spain suggest there were multiple hominin species living in western Europe around a ...
Until now, at least 14 different species have been assigned to the genus Homo since it emerged in Ethiopia some 2.8 million ...
Twenty-seven standardized bone tools dating back more than 1.5 million years were recently discovered in the Olduvai Gorge in ...
Scientists report that a fossil of a partial face from a early human ancestor in Spain is between 1.1 and 1.4 million years ...