This ambitious initiative is expected to provide much-needed recreational space while also contributing to urban ...
The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has uncharacteristically been working with nature instead of bulldozing it into submission. Will this enlightened approach prevail?
Strategic flooding ("good floods") can reduce the risk of harmful floods, while providing a range of other benefits.
It's Flood Safety Awareness Week in Vermont through March 16, a reminder to Vermonters that flooding is a constant threat, ...
A new study published in Earth’s Future showed that 844,000 houses were built on floodplains between 2001 and 2019. The homes were built across areas that totaled 2.1 million acres. The article ...
The Delhi government has informed the National Green Tribunal (NGT) that the process of demarcation of Yamuna floodplains, including forest area and encroachments, was nearing completion and will ...
The Delhi government plans to form a Yamuna task force with the Territorial Army to protect the river's floodplains from encroachments and waste dumping. The task force will enforce environmental ...
It’s mind boggling that FEMA continues to allow dangerous development in natural floodplains and it’s costing taxpayers billions.” FEMA’s National Flood Insurance Program provides taxpayer-subsidized ...