在餐厅用餐时,你是否听过“doggy bag”这个词?可别误解了,它可不是用来装狗粮的。事实上,这个词的意思与打包食物有关,源于外国人对打包的尴尬心理。早些时候,许多老外在面对剩菜时,往往觉得在餐厅带走剩菜显得没有面子,于是他们就开玩笑地说要将餐点带回去给狗吃。实际上,“doggy bag”仅仅是为了表达想要打包剩菜的方便说法。你只需说:"Would you like to take the ...
To put things more literally, these residents in Shingle Springs almost woke up to a wild cat walking around (or doing something more nefarious) inside their home. Surveillance video captured a ...
The heartbreaking moment of a canine paying his respects to his furry friends he's made who crossed the rainbow bridge left ...
Poppy Vincent tied the knot with Milo the Cavapoochon, a rising star in the world of doggy influencers, in a very special ...