Dilation Effect 膨胀效应揭露一种针对苹果手机的攻击方式,攻击者诱导用户打开钓鱼网站进入仿冒的 App Store,一旦用户下载并安装了此配置描述文件,iPhone 即可被黑客控制;Dilation Effect 提醒用户留意此钓鱼攻击的套路,不要安装来路不明的描述文件。
There is probably an unbelievably long list of the challenges that human astronauts would face in the event of a manned mission to Mars. Dealing with time dilation is definitely on the list.
The Friedman curve, the gold standard for rates of cervical dilation and fetal descent during active labor, was developed almost 50 years ago. To define a modern curve for normal labor ...