West should throw Q♥ on the second round: a tough but good play. In this way, East will win the third round of hearts and can lead a club through the declarer. Certainly, from the outset, declarer’s ...
Tournament season kicks off at the Bridge Club with the Non Life-Master Pairs being held today – it is a two-session event ...
Goren Bridge by Bob Jones ...
When you are the declarer, sometimes your opponents will defend well and make your life somewhere between difficult and impossible. More often, though, they will not find the best plays ...
Liu found that opening lead – a low diamond! East won with his king and shifted to the five of spades to declarer’s 10 and Liu’s jack. The bidding and play so far made the distribution easy ...
West led 2♥, and East took the first two tricks, before switching to 2♣. Declarer can see that, if one of the two diamond finesses is right, he will lose only one trick there and bring home ...
Playing a system where the club opener might be short and weak, West opted to lead 3♦. Declarer seized his opportunity, rising with J♦, before leading 10♥, which ran to West’s A♥.
At the table, North passed. Declarer ruffed A♥ lead, played to K♦ and ruffed a second heart with a high trump. He returned to hand with A♣ and, ruffed his last heart with a high trump.