With the Trump administration’s aggressive plans for a rollback of federal regulation, blue states are already looking to fill the ...
Chicago Public Schools chief Pedro Martinez is alleging the firm representing the school board in an ongoing lawsuit has a ...
Michael Pomeroy, who recently represented the winning party in a 5G SEP case against Samsung, brings an impressive track ...
Nicole Gill of Cozen O'Connor discusses the need for attorneys to be aware of new software applications their clients use and their associated data retention policies, noting the challenges they ...
Although a relatively young law firm, Cozen O’Connor has achieved recognition in the areas of litigation, business law and government relations. The firm, managed by its CEO and executive ...
Illinois schools turn to retirees, substitutes, outsourcing & state grants to combat prolonged teacher shortage - “From hiring ...
According to the National Law Journal's 2024 NLJ 500 ranking of firms based on size, Cozen O'Connor has 750 attorneys and is ranked 72nd in the United States. With $653,043,000 gross revenue in ...
Cozen O'Connor has brought on real estate attorney duo David and Bailey Ebby to the firm's Philadelphia office. Previously, David Ebby worked under his father for 15 years, while his mother's ...
Ebby called his former law school classmate Michael Heller, the CEO of 925-lawyer Cozen O’Connor, which does not have such a rule, and asked if he and Bailey could move to that firm.
Twenty-four hours after news of his close friend, Josh Norris was dealt to Buffalo, Brady Tkachuk put on a dominant ...