A cotton swab is dipped into concentrated hydrochloric acid (producing hydrogen chloride gas) while a second on is dipped into concentrated aqueous ammonia (producing ammonia gas). Both cotton swabs ...
Many people use Q-Tips brand cotton swabs as tool to remove excess ear wax from inside the ear canal, but the Q-Tips box clearly says that the swabs should not be used for this purpose.
The researchers from The University of Manchester used cotton swabs to sample people and identify the compounds present with mass spectrometry. The method developed involves paper spray ionisation ...
Avoid using cotton swabs (see below). Try a few drops of hydrogen peroxide in each ear a couple of times a day to soften the wax, Melon suggests, or see an ENT to have wax buildup removed.
Place a coffee filter on a tray or newspaper. In a small plastic cup, add 2 drops of green food coloring. Use a cotton swab to soak up the food coloring into one end of the swab. Touch the end of the ...