Homa Bay Town constituency MP George Kaluma started a raging debate on X after calling Kenyans to reject circumcision. Some ...
The answer really needs to be individual. You need to decide from a personal point of view, from a social point of view and a religious point of view what is best for your child. I used to say ...
That joke came to mind when I saw an illustration Monday for an article in The New York Times, “Should you circumcise your child?” The answer, according to physician and columnist Aaron E.
From the time Debra Sherman and her husband, Mark Wilcox, learned through prenatal genetic tests that they were having a boy, they agonized over whether to circumcise their baby. "I didn't want ...
Ireland’s small Jewish community is in turmoil after a British rabbi who had been hired to circumcise local babies was arrested and charged with practicing medicine without a license.