研究人员回顾 CCA 病例,发现需进一步检查鉴别,孤立与非孤立 CCA 结局不同,为产前咨询提供依据。 在人类大脑中,胼胝体(Corpus Callosum,CC)就像一座 “超级桥梁”,由近 2 亿根轴突构成,连接着左右大脑半球,负责语言、推理以及整合各种感官信息等重要 ...
Patients with FOXG1 syndrome also have an underdeveloped corpus callosum—a thick nerve fiber bundle that connects and transmits information between the right and left sides of the brain, playing a ...
Great Ormond Street Hospital explains the procedure, saying: “A corpus callosotomy is an operation which divides the corpus callosum. This is the main fibre bundle that connects the right and ...