Cachexia is a serious yet under-recognized consequence of many chronic diseases, including heart disease, kidney disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and, most notably, cancer.
View Full Profile. Learn about our Editorial Policies. Towards the final stages of diseases such as cancer and kidney disease, many patients develop cachexia, a devastating condition in which muscle ...
Screening and Referral for Health-Related Social Needs and Financial Distress: Current Processes Among National Cancer Institute Community Oncology Research Program Practices Cancer-associated ...
BEIJING, Feb. 28 (Xinhua) -- Chinese scientists have identified a cytokine produced by tumor cells as the key factor driving irreversible fat loss with the progression of cancer cachexia, a severe ...
Artificial Intelligence in Oncology: Fulfilling Its Promise While Avoiding Its Peril We would like to thank Drs Molfino and Imbimbo 1 for their thoughtful response to our Call to Improve Coding of ...
The experimental drug ponsegromab is a monoclonal antibody that treats the growth factor that leads to the growth of cancer ...
Historically, cachexia has not been fully understood. Also known as wasting syndrome, cachexia is often incorrectly viewed as simply an inevitable side effect to cancer and other chronic conditions.
Unfortunately, cachexia, or involuntary weight loss, is a major concern for many individuals with advanced cancer. A new ...
Cardiac cachexia is the weight loss and decrease in appetite that occurs during states of chronically low cardiac output and congestive heart failure. This gives a poor prognosis independent of ...
The wasting syndrome, scientifically known as Cancer cachexia, manifests with severe weight loss, muscle loss, and loss of ...
Considering taking supplements to treat cachexia? Below is a list of common natural remedies used to treat or reduce the symptoms of cachexia. Follow the links to read common uses, side effects ...