Please contact us in case of abuse. In case of abuse, In 1845, Domingo Faustino Sarmiento published Facundo: Civilization and Barbarism, a seminal essay that dissected the dichotomy between ...
"Will we one day look back on this era of teen pop stars" as "some unfathomable age of barbarism, and wonder what on earth we were thinking?", asked Martha Gill in The Observer. It surely wouldn't ...
"If we do not demand, and not only demand but win unions, healthcare, wages, ending endless war, then we will condemn ourselves to barbarism, and I refuse to give up," the New York Democrat said ...
“More than ever, the choice we face is not capitalism or socialism but socialism or barbarism.” An important book. You can’t buy a revolution, but you can help the only daily paper in Britain that’s ...
The Ukrainian Parliament’s Commissioner for Human Rights Dmytro Lubinets has called on the international community to ...
Nearly three years after the Taliban retook Kabul, they plan to resume the brutal practice of stoning women for adultery. “You say it’s a violation of women’s rights when we stone them to ...
It's just another level of barbarism they've added,” Mr Ryvchin told Sky News Australia.
Indians are also inflicting the worst form of barbarism on innocent people in Indian Illegally occupied Jammu and Kashmir and other states. Hindutva has been converted into Moditva as the entire India ...
of the state describing the attacks as remorseless barbarism. Recall that communities in the two LGAs recently came under attack by suspected armed herdsmen who killed several persons and injured ...