Despite a very uncertain economic climate, investors can at least feel confident that audited financial reports are more ...
WIRED talked to actual federal auditors about how government auditing works—and how DOGE is doing the opposite.
Relationship assessment is becoming increasingly important as people recognize the impact their social connections have on ...
Two L’Anse Creuse school board members want to fire the district’s auditing firm for failing to detect millions of dollars in ...
The Securities and Exchange Commission dramatically pulled back on accounting and auditing enforcement last year after two ...
The accounting firm conducting the forensic audit of SC Treasurer Curtis Loftis says he mischaracterized his office's role in ...
The study introduces G-AUDIT (Generalized Attribute Utility and Detectability-Induced bias Testing) as a data ...
Catherine “Halie” Creps, CPA, a current ASB member and a partner at KPMG, will replace Sara Lord in May, when seven new board members begin their tenures.
While the Democratic leadership has been resisting having state Auditor Diane Dizoglio conduct an audit of the Legislature, ...
New research led by a researcher at the University of Toronto’s Rotman School of Management shows that the quality of ...