42岁歌手泳儿(Vincy)出道近20年,初出道被称为怪物级新人,早年作品《感应》、《花无雪》令人印象深刻,近年获封靓声天后,可惜仍未算得上大红大紫。感情方面,泳儿与发型师男友Ziv拍拖逾12年,两年前突然贴出戒指照,发文:我愿意三字疑似宣布婚讯,后揭是宣传全城炒车。泳儿长跑多年未开花结果,连霍汶希都忍不住向泳儿催婚,然而泳儿曾明言唔会主动向佢求婚。近日她分享短片,疑曲线向男友催婚? 泳儿唱歌好好 ...
Eliya and his girlfriend Ziv were separateds on October 7—505 days ago. They are finally reunited.
AccessNow CEO Maayan Ziv has a response for governments, corporations, and fellow tech leaders currently sending the message ...
Ziv Dekel, after a long illness. The Board of Directors has initiated a search for a new Chairman and will provide updates in due course. Eyal Cohen, CEO of BOS, stated: “Ziv was a highly ...
PARIS, Feb. 28, 2025 /PRNewswire/ -- GenBio AI, a leading company at the intersection of AI and biology, is excited to announce that Dr. Ziv Bar-Joseph has joined as Co-founder and Chief Scientific ...