He can twirl a billy club like a baton and daily practices fast draws with a pair of cap pistols before a mirror. "HE COULD PROBABLY outdraw Wyatt Earp with those pistols," declares Pvt.
“Wyatt Earp and the Cowboy War” will seem much less like a Discovery-style history special than an ambitious feature film. In chapters. With interviews. And a nimbus of gun smoke. Mr. Anderson ...
Wyatt Earp: [Opening Narration] Wyatt Earp, as Marshal in Wichita and now Dodge City, had met some of the top guns of the Western frontier. He had outfought the notorious Mannen Clemens; he had ...
His name was Wyatt Earp. In fact, Josephine was one reason for the notorious shootout at the OK Corral ... And we know, at least once, Wyatt laid down his guns and put on a kippah to join a family ...