The final stage of backward design is when instructors begin to consider how they will teach. This is when instructional strategies and learning activities should be created. With the learning goals ...
The Technical writing requirement can be met by completion of a scholarly publication as defined by the following three options: Science-based paper accepted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal ...
Broadly speaking, learning outcomes are the intended or expected knowledge, skills, attitudes, and behaviors that students take with them from an academic (or nonacademic) experience. There are ...
The more children see their role models reading and writing ... a great bonding experience, research has shown that children who have stories read to them from young age find learning to read ...
At the Jacobson Center, we believe that all students, at all levels of expertise, can improve their writing and learning skills. To that end, we offer writing services and resources, public speaking ...
This week, students at Flagstaff Academy Charter School in Longmont had their writing questions answered by an author with two dozen published books under her belt. Author Lisa Yee, winner of a ...