Besides being my new favorite insult phrase, the Urban Worm bag is a versatile all-star compost factory. It's quick to set up and easy to maintain because there are no trays. Just put bedding in ...
我们饲养的是红蚯蚓compost worm,这种蚯蚓是大胃王,它和很粗大灰色的地蚯蚓不一样,专门吃半腐烂的食物。 如果买现成的蚯蚓农场worm farm ...
A worm composter, or wormery, can turn your kitchen food scraps into fantastic fertiliser for your house plants and garden. Compact, smell-free and faster than normal composting, a wormery harnesses ...
Pinecrest, a village in Miami-Dade County, is launching a compost program that will benefit a community garden in the ...
Compost heaps can be designed to suit gardens ... while even the smallest terrace could accommodate a worm composter. To erect your own bin, hammer into the ground four 10cm x 10cm (4in x 4in ...
Worms are brilliant at making compost. Find out more from our worm article and make your own worm farm in a jar. Compost and soil are not dead, they are living things. There are more micro ...