The Spitfire is the most famous plane of World War Two. Its groundbreaking design and superior specifications gave the British a decisive advantage fighting the Luftwaffe in the Battle of Britain.
Dr Edmund James with a Spitfire photo to replace one that was stolen from him One of the last surviving Spitfire pilots from World War Two has died - just weeks before his 100th birthday.
The Spitfire should be the obvious answer to that ... Great Britain’s most famous fighter ever made (though the World War I Sopwith Camel also has a strong case for that latter status).
During World War 2 he was employed at Hooper Bros. of Park Royal (before the war makers of Rolls Royce bodywork) in the manufacture of spitfire and hurricane airframes. He made the Napoleon hat ...
Following the attack, Spitfire production was forced to relocate ... trials and tribulations that people went through during World War Two in Southampton". "There was a massive contribution ...
Spitfire LF Mk IX The British Spitfire is one of the most iconic fighter aircraft of World War II. Most famous for its role in the Battle of Britain, the Spitfire served as Britain's primary ...