For all that, Winston Churchill cannot be described justly as an enemy of the Irish people. He had an abiding affection for Ireland where he had spent some boyhood years while his grandfather ...
Within hours of the sad news of Sir Winston Churchill's death reaching Northern Ireland, during this week in 1965, thousands of telegrams of sympathy were being flashed to Lady Churchill at 28, Hyde ...
Voted by BBC viewers the greatest of all Britons in 2002, Winston Churchill remains a symbol of valiant defiance against adversity. Twice prime minister of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ...
As the quintessential embodiment of British defiance, Winston Churchill may be an unlikely inspiration for Irish nationalists. His support for Home Rule notwithstanding, Britain’s wartime leader ...
His name was Winston Churchill. Churchill came from a wealthy family and was a soldier, a journalist and then, a Member of Parliament, where he helped make laws. Churchill was clever and ...
A statue of Sir Winston Churchill has overlooked the Houses of Parliament since 1974 A statue of Sir Winston Churchill stands opposite the Palace of Westminster, as if the man himself is ...
In the first general election for more than 10 years, Winston Churchill found himself and his Conservative Party flattened by a shock Labour landslide. Despite leading the UK through much of the ...