近日,微软在其最新发布的Windows 11 Canary Build 27818版本中,针对文件管理器的解压缩功能进行了显著优化。这一更新着重提升了用户在解压大量小文件时的体验,声称能提高解压性能5-10%。这一改进标志着微软在用户体验方面的持续努力,尤其是在数据处理速度不断被用户关注的当下,原生解压功能的提升无疑将吸引更多用户的目光。
此次性能提升的背后,是微软对文件管理器解压API的改进。尽管微软并未透露具体的技术细节,但这一改进无疑为开发者和普通用户带来了更加流畅的解压体验。值得注意的是,这一优化目前仅适用于Windows 11的原生文件管理器,而不会影响第三方解压工具如WinRAR和7-Zip等的正常使用。
Many a time you need to download Windows ISO files to install Windows 11 or Windows 10 fresh on your PC. The reason to do that could be because your Windows 11/10 Upgrade didn’t go well or your ...
快科技3月21日消息,微软在Windows 11 Canary Build 27818版本中,对文件管理器的解压缩功能进行了优化,提升了原生解压大量小文件的速度。
在科技的快速发展中,小细节常常决定了用户体验的舒适度。微软近日在Windows 11的最新Canary Build ...
We are going to see how you can download and install Windows 11 ARM with ISO. Is Windows 11 available for ARM? Yes, Windows 11 is available for ARM-based devices. In fact, even Windows 10 was ...
Microsoft today released the first-ever Windows 11 ISO images, letting users download the images and clean install the OS on dedicated test systems or virtual machines. Up until now, users have ...
The ISO is available on the web for those who look hard enough. Microsoft is holding a virtual event where it will officially announce Windows 11. Windows Insiders will be the first to test the OS ...
Windows 11 Build 27818 is now rolling out to the testers in the Canary channel, and it has one noteworthy change (and my ...