Anyone who spots a right whale is encouraged to report the sighting ... deep notches and their bellies are black with irregular white patches.
An endangered North Atlantic right whale, swimming in the Gulf off the Fort Myers, Florida coast, was captured on video by SeaTrek Charters of SWFL ...
An aerial survey team spotted a North Atlantic right whale entangled in fishing rope swimming with a newborn calf in the waters outside Cumberland Island, Georgia, on Thursday. Wildlife biologists ...
Right whale calf sightings are relatively rare ... Their tails are wide with deep notches and their bellies are black with irregular white patches.
By the end of the ride, the group had counted more than 2,000 dolphins, including light gray baby calves, several hundred Pacific white-sided dolphins, and northern right whale dolphins.
Among the group were northern right whale dolphins, a famously elusive species that usually keeps to deeper waters away from the coast.
Northern right whale dolphins are one of only two species of dolphins with no dorsal fins, and the adults are glossy jet back, like orcas, with white bellies. "They're all smooth," Brodsky said ...
Mastodon formed in Atlanta, Georgia in 2000, and Hinds was there right from the start ... with a fabulously insistent riff and a chorus – ‘White Whale! Holy Grail!’ ...