本周,VMware 发布了针对其 ESXi 服务器等重要产品的安全更新,旨在修补多个潜在的安全风险。这一行动紧随 3 月 4 日 VMware 发布的安全公告 VMSA-2025-0004,公告中警示了三个被标记为 0-day 的安全漏洞,分别是 ...
IT之家 3 月 10 日消息,博通(Broadcom)旗下 VMware 本周发布安全更新,针对 VMware ESXi 服务器等产品,修复多个安全漏洞。VMware 于 3 月 4 日发布安全公告 VMSA-2025-0004,警告存在三个 ...
Top VMware leaders are speaking out after the blockbuster announcement that the company is being acquired by Broadcom. Here’s what they had to say. The $61 billion deal for VMware is on track.
Employees at the software giant VMware are facing a number of uncertainties following the news that the chipmaker Broadcom plans to acquire it for $61 billion. No sooner had the deal been ...
Kimley-Horn is one of many enterprises that ditched their long-standing work with VMware following that vendor’s acquisition by Broadcom, a move that the civil engineering said was due to the ...
Fallout from Broadcom's VMware acquisition is boosting interest in KubeVirt, an open-source project that enables users to deploy and manage VM workloads directly inside of Kubernetes deployments.
‘Containers are the operating system of the future, and I am excited by what VMware is doing with Kubernetes and Tanzu to help customers accelerate development and run securely at scale,’ says ...
Broadcom's aggressive cost-cutting strategy has at least halved VMware's workforce while pleasing Wall Street analysts. The chip giant closed one of the biggest tech deals ever when it acquired ...
Three critical vulnerabilities in multiple virtual-machine products from VMware can give hackers unusually broad access to some of the most sensitive environments inside multiple customers ...
The chipmaker is talking with business regulators in a 'couple of jurisdictions' Broadcom's CEO has said it is "making good progress" with regulators as it looks to complete its acquisition of VMware.
VMware by Broadcom’s breakup with its end-user compute products will enter a new phase next week, with cloudy service providers and customers both warned of ...