Medically reviewed by Jay N. Yepuri, MD FibroScan is the brand name for transient elastography, an abdominal ultrasound that ...
FibroScan® 无创肝脏诊断设备诊断脂肪肝准吗? FibroScan® 无创肝脏诊断设备作为全球领先的肝脏诊断设备,其在脂肪肝诊断方面的准确性和可靠性得到 ...
随着医药健康行业的快速发展,特别是在慢性病和代谢性疾病领域的创新突破,无创检测技术在药物研发和临床应用中的重要性日益凸显。EchosensTM的 ...
Background: FibroTest (FT) is the most frequently used serum fibrosis marker and consists of an algorithm of five fibrosis markers (alfa2-macroglobulin, apolipoproteinA1, haptoglobin, GGT ...
FibroScan overestimated advanced fibrosis and cirrhosis in patients with class 3 obesity and metabolic dysfunction-associated steatotic liver disease.