1月30日,微软在其官方博客上发布了一篇重要文章,宣布对基于Chromium的浏览器进行了一项显著的文本渲染增强。这项改善旨在提升中文以及其他语言文本的显示清晰度,使用户在浏览器中获得更好的阅读体验。这项技术的应用不仅影响到微软自家的Edge浏览器, ...
Microsoft Edge, explained The current version of Edge was built on what's called a "Chromium" browser. This means that it can run hundreds of extensions that were originally meant for Google ...
Most people who use the internet are familiar with Chromium -- at least in passing. The Chromium project is one of the most ...
近日,微软在其官方博客上宣布了一项颇具意义的更新,正式为所有基于Chromium内核的Windows浏览器带来了视觉上的重大升级。此项改进不仅是在2021年Microsoft Edge浏览器文本渲染提升的基础上,又一次冲击了文本阅读体验的天花板! 通过优化对比度和Gamma校正,这次的文本渲染升级将为用户提供更加优质的阅读体验,尤其是在看那些细小文字及中文、日文、韩文等CJK语言时,效果是显著升级 ...
IT之家 1 月 31 日消息,微软公司昨日(1 月 30 日)发布博文,宣布为基于 Chromium 的浏览器, 扩展增强文本渲染体验,通过增强对比度和 Gamma 校正,进一步提升浏览器阅读体验。
it wasn’t until 2018 that Microsoft announced it would rebuild Edge as a Chromium-based browser, which also allowed for ...
Ungoogled Chromium is an open-source project that has a Chrome-like interface but is completely independent of Google web services like codes, Google-made binaries, etc. Unlike Google Chrome ...
Chromium是众多浏览器和应用的基础,例如Chrome、Edge和Opera等,谷歌一直是Chromium项目的主要贡献者,2024年贡献了约94%的代码。 谷歌也解释了为什么 ...
Microsoft says it improved the contrast of text rendered in all Chromium-based web browsers on Windows, making it more ...
Nadella made the revelation during Microsoft's Q2 2025 earnings call (via Seeking Alpha). He added that the Copilot consumer ...
Supporters of Chromium-Based Browsers sounds like a very niche local meetup, one with hats and T-shirts that barely fit the name. But it's really a "neutral space" for funding and support, corralling ...
Google, Meta, Microsoft, and Opera have endorsed the Supporters of Chromium-Based Browsers. The initiative will be a “neutral space” for “industry leaders, academia, developers, and the broader open ...