要说Google最成功的的产品,大家可能会有不同的选择。但要说Google的「十大成功产品」,基于Chrome浏览器开发的Chromebook笔记本必须榜上有名。而前段时间因Chrome涉嫌垄断被美国司法部要求强制出售的判决,则让Chromebook ...
Phones and tablets are often more than sufficient for casual users. Chrome OS is much like mobile devices, but the conventional laptop form factor provides bigger screens and a proper keyboard ...
Chrome OS devices are getting more powerful and capable, allowing for a pretty good (albeit simple) PC experience. If you want to go beyond the basic capabilities of your Chromebook, though ...
Chrome OS is Google’s upcoming operating system based on the solid foundation of the Chrome web browser and is open source version, Chromium OS. Much has been said about Chrome OS being the OS “of the ...