To understand West Africa is to truly understand Africa. Voodoo is a deeply-rooted yet severely misunderstood religion, and the chance to explore it feels a true travel privilege. As a pivotal ...
These West African kingdoms and empires developed their own diverse and rich cultures, art, histories and religions. Narrator: From the medieval ages, West Africa was home to a range of powerful ...
A jihadist state is a structure that operates under Islamic law, or sharia, and is directed by a single leader, or caliph, who combines political and religious ... region of west Africa include ...
Crowther operated in pre-colonial West Africa and translated the Bible ... Rodney taught outside official classrooms on Europe developing Africa. Religion and philosophy were Mbiti’s ...
GRADUATES: Some of the graduates of the Catholic Institute of West Africa (CIWA) in Port Harcourt, Rivers State capitalThe Catholic Institute of West Afri­ca (CIWA) in Port Harcourt, Rivers State, has ...
Ghana's newly elected President John Mahama has announced plans to investigate his predecessor's contested $400 million National Cathedral project, a stalled religious landmark that for critics become ...