36氪独家获悉,移动端漫画出海项目WebComics完成天使轮融资,险峰长青和梅花创投领投,娱乐工场跟投。 WebComics是目前欧美地区规模较大的国漫出海 ...
It's also one of, if not the first, American series to receive an anime from any webcomics platform. He will serve as the ...
The Korean-based webcomics company, which has large customer bases in the U.S. and Japan, said its net sales were negatively impacted by currency fluctuations and that, had currency changes not ...
EXCLUSIVE: Webcomics platform Manta has been building out its catalog over recent months and will next week launch a premium plan. The new tier, which is priced at $9.99 per month, will launch on ...
Pocket Toons will provide consumers bite-sized stories in the form of webtoons across multiple genres such as romance, drama, fantasy and sci-fi among others. Pocket Entertainment, the parent ...