后现代时期我们最喜欢的作品之一不是原创作品,而是对既定设计的重新混搭,而这个设计就是马塞尔·布鲁尔设计的瓦西里椅子,设计师是亚历山德罗·门迪尼。他对瓦西里和其他几件重要工业设计作品的处理方式,为以前被认为是阴郁和低调的东西带来了异想天开的感觉。我们无法忘记这件作品,并受到启发,想要效仿并创作我们自己的风格“即兴演绎”,希望能够同样地向瓦西里坚忍不拔的风度致敬,同时也承认并强调门迪尼在令人难忘和永恒 ...
More than a place to simply sit, certain designs are highly covetable pieces: think Eames chairs, Togo sofas and Wassily chairs. Named after the Russian painter and art theorist Wassily Kandinsky ...
Founded by Wassily Kandinsky and Franz Marc as an editorial collective in 1911, Der Blaue Reiter entered the public eye with exhibitions and the publication of a programmatic almanac in 1912 with a ...
Wassily Kandinsky loved music and could play the cello and the piano. His paintings were even inspired by music. He literally saw colours when he heard music and heard music when he painted.
The German artist Wassily Kandinsky (1866-1944) is considered to be the first entirely abstract artist. Prior to World War II, Kandinsky was part of the Expressionist group Der Blaue Reiter and later ...
Wassily Leontief witnessed history. He was a young boy when his country mourned the death of Leo Tolstoy. He saw Lenin speaking to a crowd in front of the Winter Palace. As a young academic, he ...
The Lenbachhaus is famous for the world's largest collection of art by the "Blaue Reiter" (Blue Rider) group, around Franz Marc. See what paintings you can discover here. The Blaue Reiter is ...