Come Loremasters and learn of the early days of the twisted and vile Emperor's Children - once a paragon of the Emperor's ...
The grimdark universe of Warhammer 40K is full of legendary figures, including a number of iconic female characters.
Goatboy here to talk Codex Emperor's Children. There's a bunch of oddly missing units and options from 40K 10th Edition's newest army. What gives?
Of all the Space Marine chapters, the Space Wolves have had the hardest time adapting to the new Primaris marines: the ...
If there's one thing Warhammer 40,000 has never been short on, it's fearsome Space Marine chapters. Elite-level, ...
With Space Marine 3 in development, there are a couple of great planets fans might hope to see featured in the next game.
Warhammer 40K and Doom are a match made in heaven ... that you can now purge heretics and mutants in the name of the God-Emperor in a late challenger to some of the best PC games of 2022 ...
Games Workshop has revealed the first brand new tabletop army for the Warhammer world in twenty years, the elite soldiers of ...
Plus, the Chaos Space Marines get reinforcements for the Thousand Sons, World Eaters, and Death Guard At this year’s ...
Over the weekend, a viral video showed what appeared to be a violent attack during a track meet as one girl was struck in the head by a baton during a relay race. However, the apparent attacker has ...
Space Marine Chapters have different legacies, combat doctrines, and traits. Explore the main Chapters, from Codex-compliant forces to renegade warbands.