新的传奇即将奏响!为庆祝《Warframe》十二周年诞辰,Digital Extremes宣布,广受赞誉的《Warframe:1999》正式推出全新扩展包《科腐者安可(Techrot Encore)》,并于美东时间3月19日全球上线。
广受赞誉的《Warframe:1999》正式推出全新扩展包《科腐者安可(Techrot Encore)》,并于美东时间3月19日全球上线。 同步开启的还有《Soulframe》序章 ...
十二周年!唉,DE我真得哭死,虽然你们审美是丑了点,但真的是十几年一直在做服务型游戏,活到现在还元气满满的。你说巧不巧,正正好的12周年纪念和19日新版本塞一起了——现已上线的《Warframe:1999》12周年福利+全新扩展包《科腐者安可(Tec ...
Warframe Techrot Encore is here, introducing Temple, a new Warframe, boy band boss fights, Atomicycle racing, and more! Get ...
The Warframe Techrot Encore Update is now live on consoles and PC, which should appear as download 2.37/1.045.
The story of 1999 unfolds further. It seems more than just The Hex were infected with strange new powers… Meanwhile, the ...
Techrot Encore brought four new Protoframes: Kaya Velasco (Nova), Flare Varleon (Temple), and the duo of Minerva Hendricks ...
It's been three weeks since we hyped up Warframe: 1999's Techrot Encore update, and I'm happy to say that it's finally here - ...
"We'd be remiss to not act on that" Positive feedback on Warframe 1999 protoframes has the team thinking of the future.
Warframe's Techrot Encore expansion will focus on the Technocyte Coda, a new Adversary system coming to the game's 1999 ...
To get Live Heartcells in Warframe, you need to follow these steps: Pick up mixtapes dropped by enemies in Techrot missions ...
Players of the new warframe will be able to use the Flare Varleon protoframe, turning them into a smoldering rocker with ...