快科技9月5日消息, 西部数据WD Blue SN5000 SSD目前已经正式开售,售价429元起。 据悉,新款硬盘将会在夏季上市,首批最大4TB容量,未来还会有8TB产品。
IT之家 3 月 21 日消息,闪迪海外官网显示,其去年末在西部数据旗下推出的 WD_BLACK SN7100 固态硬盘(M.2 2280,PCIe 4.0×4)的 4TB 款即将在一周内到货上市,这预计将成为闪迪独立后的首款内置 SSD“新品”。
The WD Blue SN5000 4TB tries to fill a gap in the storage market. Content creation drives seldom have speeds that most gamers would happily use compared to the other devices designed for their needs.
产品:Scorpio Blue 320GB 5400转 8MB SATA2(W西部数据硬盘 西部数据WD Blue 4TB台式机硬盘,搭载256MB高速缓存和5400转速,采用NoTouch ...
WD has launched its new WD Blue SN5000 series with 4 storage options to meet your capacity and budget requirements.
产品:蓝盘 4TB 5400转 128M SATA3(WD40NPZZ)西部数据硬盘 西部数据WD Blue蓝盘系列机械硬盘WD10EZEX,专为家用需求设计,具备高性价比、大容量以及可靠的垂直盘技术,兼容性出色,是存储大量数据的理想选择。这款3.5英寸台式机硬盘采用CMR垂直磁记录技术,拥有1TB ...
February 26 - Our hardware team's own Duncan Robertson recently tested the WD Blue SN5000 SSD ... We'd go for the 4TB version, for several reasons. Right now, you see the biggest savings on ...