mYm的实力自然不用多说,WC3L常规赛的冠军,本届NGL-ONE联赛上也一直…… ...
jNg ---这支巴西人组成的战队虽然赋有团队和坚持不懈的精神,但是面对 mYm,他们的防线却显得那么的脆弱,以全败的战绩结束了WC3L第一赛季的第一 ...
"This is indeed a major setback", writes Charlie about the fact that Trademark-Gamers have been disqualified in the WC3L IX due to too many penalty points. The last two points were given out because ...
the community decides, and there are five nominated in each of the three categories. Numbers alone do not always speak the truth There is already the » player statistics at WC3L, but numbers alone do ...