Most of them have a diameter of between 20 to 100 kilometres, a few up to 500 kilometres, but none are larger than Ceres: with its 1000- kilometre diameter, it makes up more than a third of the total ...
Despite their overall similarities, asteroids are usually pretty distinct from one another. Vesta has a very different ...
Since entering orbit last month, Dawn has taken more than 500 images Vesta's southern section is dominated by a giant crater The northern side is filled with older craters including three that ...
Geologic map of the asteroid belt. Circles identify the asteroid families from which our meteorites originate and letters mark the corresponding meteorite type. The horizontal axis ranges from short ...
"We now have the first outlines of a geologic map of the asteroid belt." Ten years ago, Jenniskens teamed up with astronomer Hadrien Devillepoix of Curtin University and colleagues in Australia to ...
The majority of asteroids orbit the Sun in the main asteroid belt, located between Mars and Jupiter. Their sizes vary significantly, from Vesta—the largest, measuring about 329 miles (530 kilome ...
NASA/JPL-Caltech/UCLA/MPS/DLR/IDA NASA's Dawn spacecraft took this image of Ceres' south polar region on May 17, 2017. Launched on Sept. 27, 2007 ...