The veal won’t quite be covered by the stock ... To make the mayonnaise, put the egg yolks, tuna, capers, one tablespoon of the lemon juice, mustard and sugar in a food processor.
Deglaze the frying pan with some of the white wine and pour this over the veal, then add the rest of the wine to the casserole, along with the chicken stock. Add the lemon zest and herbs and ...
You'll also need a few lemon wedges for garnishing. Pat the veal cutlets dry with paper towels. Season the cutlets with salt and pepper and set aside to rest for 15 minutes. Meanwhile, set up your ...
In the photo, the veal is accompanied with charred lemon halves, prepared by searing lemon halves in a hot, dry skillet. Other garnishes vary seasonally. In the photo, the garnish is micro sorrel.