SEOUL (Reuters) - One test of the commitment by Japan and South Korea to resolve the "comfort women" issue may be the fate of a statue in front of Tokyo's embassy in Seoul. The bronze of a ...
A funeral procession carries a portrait of Gil Won-ok, a late victim of Japan's wartime sexual slavery, euphemistically called "comfort women," at a funeral hall in Incheon, west of Seoul ...
17. Gil died on Feb. 16 at the age of 97. She dedicated her life to raising awareness of the plight of the so-called comfort ...
A third-party panel that examined The Asahi Shimbun’s coverage of the “comfort women” issue criticized the many years of neglect concerning erroneous articles based on fabricated testimony ...
A Seoul High Court ruling that orders Japan to compensate former “comfort women” will likely be ignored by Tokyo and probably won’t strain bilateral relations, Japanese officials said.