After suspecting the presence of a series of underwater volcanoes near the Cook Islands, researchers have now mapped out the ...
In a shocking revelation, scientists have discovered thousands of giant eggs in an underwater volcano off the coast of ...
A 2022 satellite photo shows a large plume of discolored water rising from the undersea Kavachi volcano, during an eruption that likely scattered the sharks that normally dwell there.
The tallest volcano in Europe, Italy's Mount Etna, and the world's most active volcano, Kilauea in Hawaii, erupting again.
The eruption restarted at midday when when molten rock began pouring out of a vent in Kilauea’s summit caldera, the Hawaiian ...
When the quake sequence began, many believed Santorini’s undersea volcano Kolumbo would erupt, she said. Nomikou said she has been studying the volcano, situated 4.3 miles (7 kilometers ...
Nearly 50 volcanic eruptions have been recorded this year, and more are expected. The Axial Seamount, an underwater volcano about 300 miles off the coast of Oregon, is predicted to erupt soon ...
When the quake sequence began, many believed Santorini’s undersea volcano Kolumbo would erupt, she said. Nomikou said she has been studying the volcano, situated 4.3 miles (7 kilometers) northeast of ...