A research team sheds light on the longstanding debate regarding sand topdressing and its role in managing organic matter in ...
The summer is considered their stressful period and more inputs are needed during this time in order to meet traditional turfgrass quality expectations. All cool-season grasses are established by seed ...
What kinds of fertilizers are best for your lawn and garden? Are organic or synthetic fertilizers the better option? Get the ...
Turfgrass Alternatives Mosses are ideal for moist, shaded areas and bring a soft, natural feel to your yard. Ornamental grasses help hold soil in place, and do well in sunny spots. Some people are ...
The right lawn fertilizing program can help you achieve the vibrant green grass of your dreams. But figuring out how and when ...
We've unearthed the answer to the big question "does grass seed go bad?" so you can spend less time planting grass seed and ...
Many turfgrass weeds can effectively be controlled with the use of herbicides. However, it is important for homeowners to ...
Dollar spot is an economically important disease of both cool-season and warm-season turfgrass. Due to the persistent nature of this disease, more money is spent on managing dollar spot than any other ...
Unlike lawn or turfgrass varieties, ornamental grasses are meant to grow as specimen plants, not to be cut, mowed, or used as ...
Garden In A Box kits can add pops of color to landscapes using carefully selected water-wise plants that offer interest ...
Growth potential is a concept that was developed by Pace Turf to express the relative growth rate of turfgrass at a given temperature. According to this model, the maximum growth rate of cool-season ...
Discover the best time to plant grass seed for successful establishment. This guide provides tips and insights on factors to ...