And, along with a string of upcoming MMOs to look forward to on the near horizon (such as Dune: Awakening) the "massively multiplayer online role-playing game" category is growing continuously.
City of Heroes hasn't rocketed its way to mainstream success, but it certainly has a brighter future than any of its other ...
While some of the core MMOs, like Final Fantasy XIV and World of Warcraft are still excelling in the genre, and as an MMO "killer" of the two seems increasingly more far-fetched, there's certainly ...
It’s a simple fact of gaming that controllers are more suited for shooters, while the WASD + mouse control of the PC gaming master race is more suited for real-time strategy games and MMOs.
Legacy MMOs are, in many ways, one of the engines that keep the genre chugging along. Games from yesteryear that at one point were the juggernaughts of the MMORPG world are, often times ...
The golden age of MMOs is no more—while it does still get new entries as a genre, we're long past the gold rush of the early 2010s, where it seemed like everyone and their mum was trying to make ...