the Three Pigs, you name it) raid his sanctuary, saying they’ve been evicted by the vertically challenged Lord Farquaad. So Shrek strikes a deal: I’ll get your homes back, if you give me my ...
Antis music department at 7:30 p.m. March 27-29. The show will be staged in the high school auditorium, 400 Main St., ...
It’s been more than two decades since Dreamworks’ first Shrek film was released to ... The ensemble of fairytale characters (Pinocchio, the Three Little Pigs, Peter Pan et al) bring life ...
Shrek’s time had come, and it offered opportunities for a large cast, also featuring a prince and a princess, Pinocchio, Humpty Dumpty, the Ugly Duckling, the Three Little Pigs, and other fairy ...