Whittaker had continued, in accordance with English tradition, to try to derive the ethical law of justice from “ends” or “goods.” But the a priori cannot be avoided; and if a metaphysical ...
Here are some of the arguments that have been put forward: all war is unjust and has no place in any ethical theory morality must always oppose deliberate violence just war ideas tend to make ...
Philosophers nowadays tend to divide ethical theories into three areas: metaethics, normative ethics and applied ethics. Meta-ethics deals with the nature of moral judgement. It looks at the ...
and discuss emerging theories. You'll examine the nature and use of the code of ethics as defined in the Code of Ethics for Career Development Professionals (2021), (formerly Canadian Standards and ...
Ethical theories represent the grand ideas on which guiding principles are based. They attempt to be coherent and systematic, striving to answer the fundamental practical ethical questions ...
The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy has published an updated and expanded version of its entry on "The Ethics and Rationality ... a leading expert on democratic theory. Here is his summary ...